Saturday, June 29, 2024
India News

AHSTA seeks to commence higher secondary answer script valuation on April 3

The Aided Higher Secondary Teachers’ Association (AHSTA) has demanded that higher secondary valuation camps get under way on April 3.

In a statement on Thursday, the AHSTA said the General Education department had issued a circular that the camps would begin on April 1. This would mean that teachers on duty would have to report for duty on Easter day.

The higher secondary examinations, they pointed out, would end only on March 26. The answer scripts would reach the camp in the next two days. If the camps were to begin on April 1, the teachers on duty would have to report at the camps on March 30 and March 31 (Sunday, Easter day).

The AHSTA said that as only 10 working days were enough for Plus Two valuation, there was no need to begin the valuation on April 1 itself. The valuation of SSLC answer scripts was set to begin on April 3, the association pointed out, seeking that the start of Plus Two valuation too be pushed to April 3.

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