Saturday, June 29, 2024
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Android 15 Developer Preview 1: What’s New and Fun?

With any new release of Android, we always try to find the coolest new stuff that you’ll one day be able to play with as we approach beta or stable release. For Android 15, we’re once again diving in to see what’s new, what you should be aware, the settings you might want to find, and whether or not this is something you might want to ignore Google’s warnings on and flash away.

Here’s everything new and fun in Android 15 Developer Preview 1. (Spoiler alert: There isn’t much in this first build)

Android 15 is “VanillaIceCream”

Android 15 - VanillaIceCream

We knew this from rumors, but it’s official now – Android 15 is VanillaIceCream. We’ll keep calling it Android 15, it’s just that we like to keep track of Google’s internal codenames. The new name is showing as the Android version in this first Developer Preview build.

As for an Easter egg, there isn’t a new one just yet. However, the shape of the Android 14 Easter egg has changed to a triangular or “V” shape to match the Android 15 logo you are seeing at the top of this post.

Keyboard vibration toggle

Keyboard Haptics - Android 15

Hate it that your keyboard has always vibrated as you type? You can turn that off now in Settings>Sound & vibration>Vibration & haptics>Keyboard vibration.

Notification cooldown

Android 15 - Notification Cooldown

Android 15 introduces a new setting that gradually lowers notification volume if you get a bunch of notifications from the same app. In other words, when the homies spam off a bunch of messages to you in a group chat, maybe you won’t want to throw your phone against the wall.

You can find this in Settings>Notifications.

Brightness haptics!

Android 15 - Brightness Haptics

I’ve seen several people suggest that the brightness slider now lets you know that you are adjusting brightness by providing subtle haptic feedback from low to high brightness. I feel nothing of the sort outside of a bump at the the bottom and top brightness settings. I guess that’s neat. Maybe mine’s broken.

We’re updating this post!

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