Saturday, June 29, 2024
World / Middle EastWorld News

Gaza hospital explosion denied by Israel; Joe Biden in Israel; Middle East protests explode across region

The US has vetoed a United Nations resolution to condemn all violence against civilians in the Israel-Hamas war and to urge humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, saying it was too early to craft an appropriate Security Council response to the crisis.

The resolution sponsored by Brazil had wide support and would have condemned all violence against civilians, including “the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas” against Israel. The vote in the 15-member Security Council was 12 votes in favour and the US against, with Russia and Britain abstaining.

A United Nations flag at a camp for displaced Palestinians in wesern Khan Younis, Gaza.

A United Nations flag at a camp for displaced Palestinians in wesern Khan Younis, Gaza.Credit: Bloomberg

US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the council needs to allow current diplomatic efforts, including by US President Joe Biden, to unfold, and more time to gather the facts on the ground.

Thomas-Greenfield and Britain’s UN Ambassador Barbara Woodward both criticised the measure for failing to underline Israel’s right to self-defence following Hamas’ surprise attacks on October 7.

Brazil, the current council president, plus France, China, the United Arab Emirates and several other council members expressed regret and disappointment at the US veto.

The voting and debate came after the deadly blast at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza earlier this week.

Council members rejected two proposed Russian amendments to the resolution. One called for a “humanitarian ceasefire” and the other would condemn indiscriminate attacks on civilians and “civilian objects” in Gaza, which include hospitals and schools.

Supporters of the defeated Brazil draft could go to the UN General Assembly, where there are no vetoes, to win approval for a resolution on the Israeli-Hamas war. But unlike a vote in the Security Council, this would not be legally binding.


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