Saturday, June 29, 2024
DealsTech News

Get Windows 11 Pro Genuine License For Only $20, Windows 10 For $14, Microsoft Office For Just $28, And More

The Black Friday software deals are still underway and now you can thank the folks at SCDKey for some great discounts across the board. So long as you get your order in soon, that is.

There’s no telling how long these prices will last but we do know that you need to enter the code RMP when checking out if you want to take advantage of them.

Do that and you’ll pick up Windows 10 Home for just $14.40, Windows 11 Pro for $21.60, and a whole lot more.

With that said, you do need to order your new software soon because these Black Friday deals might not last for long so let’s dive into it before it’s too late and you risk paying more than you had to.

Remember that the only way to get these special prices is to enter the discount code RMP when checking out.

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