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How to Keep Track of Your Screen Time on Android

hand holding a phone with a blank, white screen on a yellow background.

In our technology-driven world, the amount of time we spend staring at screens has skyrocketed. From phones to TVs, screens are practically everywhere. While these devices offer us incredible convenience and entertainment, it’s also important to be aware of how much time we’re devoting to them. Excessive screen time can affect our well-being and sleep.

The good news is that we have tools at our disposal to help us manage our screen time. If you use Android, you’re in luck. There are built-in features right on your device, as well as apps you can find on the Google Play Store, that can assist you in keeping track of how much time you spend on your screens. Let’s dive into these options to find out how to track screen time on Android.

Utilizing Android’s Digital Wellbeing

If you’re using an Android device, you’ve got a handy tool called “Digital Wellbeing” right at your fingertips.

1. Go to the Settings.

  1. Open Digital Wellbeing & parental controls.
  2. Explore the Dashboard.

    The dashboard gives you a quick overview of your screen time. It shows your total screen time for the day and a breakdown of the time allocated to each individual app.


Setting Up App Timers

Android allows you to set time limits on specific apps, helping you regain control over your device usage.


  • To set limits on specific apps, go to the main Digital Wellbeing screen and tap on Dashboard.
  • Find the app you want to set limits for, tap on it, and select App Timer.
  • Select the amount of daily time you wish to allocate for a specific app. When your time is up, the timer will remind you to pause and take a break.


App timers bring several advantages to help you achieve a more balanced digital routine. By setting limits on specific apps, you heighten your awareness of screen time, enabling better focus, establishing healthy usage boundaries, and reducing distractions.


Using Focus Mode

With Focus Mode, you can temporarily pause certain apps that tend to divert your attention, enabling you to focus on essential tasks without interruptions.


  1. Go to the Digital Wellbeing menu.
  2. Tap on Focus Mode.
  3. You’ll see a list of apps on your device. Select the apps that you find most distracting and want to pause during Focus Mode.
  4. Tap Turn on or set a schedule for when you want Focus Mode to automatically activate.


Setting Up Bedtime Mode


If you’re looking to improve your sleep quality and establish a soothing bedtime routine, Android’s Bedtime Mode can be a valuable tool. Here’s how to set it up for a more restful night.

1. Open the Digital Wellbeing menu.

  1. Tap on Bedtime Mode.
  2. Choose Bedtime Routine and select either Use a Schedule or Turn on While Charging.
  3. Customize your bedtime and wake-up time.
  4. Opt for grayscale transition and Do Not Disturb if desired.
  5. Adjust active days according to your routine.
  6. Preview the transition to see how it works.


How to Track Screen Time on Android with Third-Party Apps

You can also track your screen time on Android by utilizing time tracking apps. These apps offer additional functionalities for those seeking a comprehensive approach to managing screen time.

Here is how time tracking apps may assist you:

Real-time Monitoring: Many apps offer real-time tracking, allowing you to see your current screen time status and make on-the-spot adjustments to your usage habits.


Notifications and Reminders: Time tracking apps can send notifications or reminders when you approach your set limits, nudging you to take breaks and stay mindful of your screen time.


App Blockers: Some apps have the ability to temporarily block access to specific apps.


Usage History: Many time tracking apps provide historical data, helping you identify patterns in your screen time habits and track your progress over time.


Customization: These apps allow you to customize settings according to your needs. You can configure different restrictions for different days or create exceptions for essential apps.


Device-wide Monitoring: Some time tracking apps can monitor screen time across all apps and activities, giving you a holistic view of your device usage.


Reports and Insights: Many apps generate reports that provide valuable insights into your digital behavior, helping you make informed decisions about managing your screen time.


Selecting the App that Suits You


Evaluate Your Needs: Consider your goals—whether it’s limiting social media, managing kid’s device usage, or overall screen time reduction.

Read Reviews: Check out user reviews and app ratings on app stores to gauge user experiences and satisfaction.

Explore Features: Review the features offered by different apps, such as app blocking, usage history, and reporting.


Installing and Configuring Your Chosen App


Download the App: Visit your device’s app store and search for the chosen screen time tracking app. Download and install it.

Granting Permissions: During installation, the app might request permission to access your usage data. Review the permissions and grant access to ensure accurate tracking.


Customizing Settings for Accuracy


Open the App: Launch the installed app and navigate to its settings or preferences section.

Configure Usage Limits: Set up screen time limits for specific apps or activities according to your goals.

Adjust Notifications: Choose notification preferences. You may receive alerts when you’re nearing or surpassing the screen time limits you’ve established.

Fine-Tune Settings: Explore advanced options, such as app categories, scheduling, and exceptions, to tailor the app to your routine.


Effective Strategies to Reduce Screen Time


If you’re aiming to cut down on your screen time and find a healthier balance between your digital and real-life experiences, here are some practical strategies that can help.


  • Identifying Time-Wasting Apps: Begin by analyzing which apps consume most of your screen time. Pinpoint those that provide little value or contribute to excessive usage.
  • Gradually Reducing Screen Time: Avoid abrupt changes by gradually decreasing your screen time limits. This approach ensures a smoother and more sustainable transition.
  • Establishing Specific Objectives: Set clear objectives for different apps. Decide how much time you want to allocate to productive tasks, entertainment, and social interactions.
  • Creating Tech-Free Areas: Designate certain areas in your living space where technology is not permitted. This encourages more face-to-face interactions and prevents mindless scrolling.
  • Implementing No-Screen Periods: Set designated times for device-free activities, such as during meals or an hour before bedtime. This promotes better sleep and quality interactions.



Remember that you have the ability to shape your relationship with screens. Embrace the tools at your disposal, such as built-in features and third-party apps, to track your screen time on Android effectively. Whether it’s optimizing your productivity, nurturing deeper connections, or simply prioritizing personal well-being, taking control of your screen time is a step towards a healthier and more fulfilling digital life.


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