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Israel, Hamas prepare for 4th swap as mediators seek to extend ceasefire – National

Israel and Hamas are preparing for a fourth exchange of militant-held hostages for Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, as mediators seek to extend a cease-fire in Gaza that is set to expire after Monday.

On Sunday, Hamas freed 17 more hostages – 14 Israelis and three Thais – in a third exchange under the four-day truce. In turn, Israel released 39 Palestinian prisoners.

Of the roughly 240 hostages captured by Hamas in its Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel that ignited the conflict, 62 have been released, one was freed by Israeli forces and two were found dead inside Gaza.

Click to play video: 'Hamas seeks to extend truce with Israel after hostage-prisoner swap'

Hamas seeks to extend truce with Israel after hostage-prisoner swap

Israel has said it would extend the cease-fire by one day for every 10 additional hostages released. Hamas has also said it hopes to extend the truce, which was mediated by the United States, Qatar and Egypt.

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With the truce deal has come increased shipments of fuel and supplies into Gaza – though aid groups say it’s still barely enough to dent the needs of the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza who have endured weeks of Israeli bombardment.

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Edmonton communities worry what comes after ceasefire in the Middle East ends

More than 13,300 Palestinians have been killed since the conflict began, roughly two thirds of them women and minors, according to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry in Gaza, which does not differentiate between civilians and combatants.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will press ahead with the conflict after the cease-fire expires. Some 1,200 people have been killed in Israel, mostly during the initial incursion by Hamas. At least 77 soldiers have been killed in Israel’s ground offensive.

&copy 2023 The Canadian Press

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