Saturday, June 29, 2024
AppsGamesNewsPokemonPokemon SleepTech News

Pokemon Sleep Arrives on Android and iOS: Everything to Know

A new Pokemon app hit the Google Play Store today and it really wants you to get better sleep. Called Pokemon Sleep, this app brings the world of Pokemon into your bed to try and gamify your sleep on some level. It also might just add another layer of Pokemon into your life that you didn’t know you needed. Do we need more Pokemon? Sure, why not.

Pokemon Sleep is a free app on both Android and iOS that tracks your sleep using your phone (or a companion device like the new Pokemon Go Plus+). The app kicks off a sleep recording when you tell it you are going to bed. You then leave your phone face down (and plugged in) on your bed all night to record your sleep. Once you wake up, you end the sleep session and begin to experience Pokemon.

On a sleep tracking front, Pokemon Sleep keeps tabs on your sleep duration, time taken to fall asleep, time spent Dozing, time spent Snoozing, and time spent Slumbering. It also takes audio recordings of the night, notes audio levels, and offers a sleep diary. It then uses that data to label your sleep as Dozing, Snoozing, Slumbering, or Balanced and provide a sleep graph.

It’ll bring in Pokemon who sleep in those categories I just mentioned to then let you “research” them in order to complete a Sleep Style Dex. You can befriend these Pokemon too, all of which are gathered around the Snorlax that is the main character in the game/app.

There’s a lot more to the app, but it’s something you should just experience rather than have me try and explain it. It looks silly and also something I am absolutely going to try tonight. If Pikachu will sing me lullabies or something, I might sleep like an Igglybuff.

Google Play Link: Pokemon Sleep

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