Saturday, June 29, 2024
India News

Queer activist found dead in Kozhikode

LGBTQ+ activist and writer Kishor Kumar, 52, was found dead in his apartment at Pokkunnu in Kozhikode on Saturday night. One of the co-founders of Queerala and later Gay Malayali Association (GAMA), Kishore is considered one of the pioneers of LGBTQ+ activism in Kerala. Sources close to the deceased revealed that he was leading a reclusive life for some time after several unpleasant incidents.

Kishor is also known for his two books Randu Purushanmar Chumbikkumbol and a more recent Mazhavil Kanniloode Malayala Cinema. He is also the author of a comprehensive guide for media persons on how to cover LGBTQ+ issues.

The Pantheerankave police have registered a case of unnatural death.

Those in distress or having suicidal tendencies may seek help and counselling support by contacting Thanal, a centre for befriending persons instituted by the Indian Medical Association, Kozhikode. Phone: 0495 276 0000

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