Saturday, June 29, 2024
India News

Rahul Gandhi daydreaming about Congress coming to power in Telangana: Kishan Reddy

Union Minister for Culture, Tourism and Development of Northeast Region and Secunderabad MP G. Kishan Reddy has observed that the Congress Party leader Rahul Gandhi is “daydreaming” about coming to power in Telangana and accused the party of having an “underhand” deal with the ruling Bharat Rastra Samithi (BRS) to take on the BJP, on Monday.

“Mr. Rahul Gandhi has no clue about his party and has to put his house in order first. He had earlier ran away from his post unable to handle it, what ethical right he has about criticising BJP when most of his party MLAs have joined the BRS to become Ministers,” he questioned.

The Minister caustically observed that both parties (Congress and BRS) have the same DNA and are two faces of the same coin of being family parties, having even shared power at the Centre and the State, he charged at a press conference in New Delhi.

Flanked by Dubbak MLA M. Raghunandan Rao and others, the Minister, who is also the Secunderabad MP, pointed out that the BRS had supported the Congress party candidate during the Presidential poll. “People of Telangana are well aware about which party is the ‘B’ team. Last week, Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav attended a meeting of the Opposition Party leaders conclave and today he is in Hyderabad to meet Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao. What does it mean?” he asked.

Mr. Reddy said Prime Minister Narendra Modi had given a call to fight family-based parties and corruption. “We have never tied up with BRS and will not in the future also. We are no one’s ‘B’ team and will contest independently in Telangana,” he asserted.

The Congress party is “corrupt” when in power and makes an attempt to divide the people in the name of caste, creed or religion without having any concern for the country’s unity and integrity,” he claimed. “The party will do anything to return to power. It also has an established record of crushing democratic rights and curtailing media freedom, therefore it has no right to lecture us,” added the Minister.

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