Saturday, June 29, 2024
World News

Russia ‘fears Wagner Group rebel plot to attack Putin’s Crimean Bridge’ as unprecedented security checks spark gridlock

FEARS that Wagner Group rebels are plotting to attack Putin’s Crimean Bridge were sparked this weekend as a huge security operation triggered a gridlock.

Tourists flocking to the popular Black Sea peninsula were hit by delays of up to seven hours on the ten-mile crossing. 

Tourists flocking to Crimea have been stuck in a massive gridlock on the Kerch Bridge


Tourists flocking to Crimea have been stuck in a massive gridlock on the Kerch BridgeCredit: East2West
A bomb blast in October on a truck crossing the bridge caused major damage to the Kerch Strait crossing


A bomb blast in October on a truck crossing the bridge caused major damage to the Kerch Strait crossingCredit: AFP
Fears have arisen that Yevgeny Prigozhin's Wagner Group are plotting to attack Putin's Crimean bridge


Fears have arisen that Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner Group are plotting to attack Putin’s Crimean bridgeCredit: AP

Intense security checks were imposed on each car and all passengers using the £3billion Kerch Bridge that links annexed Crimea to the Russian mainland. 

There were also delays on a nearby truck ferry service. 

Russia fears a deadly new bomb attack amid concerns it could be staged by disgruntled Wagner fighters after their mercenary army was axed by Putin following an armed revolt against his regime, according to a report.

A bomb blast in October on a truck crossing the bridge caused major damage to the Kerch Strait crossing which has since been repaired. 

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This was blamed on Ukraine

Now the concerns are that angry Wagner fighters could stage an attack due to their anger that Putin may be reneging on a deal with the private military company’s leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in return for halting their armed revolt last month.

“Obviously, saboteurs are expected in Crimea,” stated Telegram channel InformNapalm.

These were likely from Russia.

“And who is the most terrible saboteur in Russia now?

“That’s right, Wagner PMC [Private Military Company] rebels. 

“It is possible that some attentive people passed information to the FSB that the Wagnerites are preparing to bring explosives and ammunition to Crimea, because the agreements on the part of the Kremlin have not been fully implemented.”

The searches involved sending children for X-rays and inspecting the glove compartments of cars, said the pro-Ukrainian outlet.

Some Wagner fighters are expected to go into exile in Belarus with leader Yevgeny Prigozhin while others will join the regular Russian army. 

But many are seen as unhappy over the choices they are given and the winding down of the armed force.

The Putin-appointed official in charge of transport in Crimea Nikolai Lukashenko said: “Staff numbers on the inspection lines have been increased and control over their work has been strengthened. 

“We apologise to citizens for the inconvenience.”

One angry waiting tourist said: “The situation is a nightmare. 

“We didn’t sleep at night, we are practically without water, food, and we have two small children. 

“The system is completely dysfunctional.”

Another complained: “We stood for three hours without moving.”

Many Russians cannot travel to Mediterranean destinations this summer because of visa curbs and Western sanctions due to Putin’s war against Ukraine

They are flocking to Crimea instead – even though it is potentially a war target.

The Russian rouble has also plummeted due to Putin’s war making foreign travel out of reach for millions, leading them to risk summer vacations in the region. 

Crimea is now in range of UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles, but tourists are still surging to the stunning peninsula. 

This is despite many beaches being dug with trenches in case Ukraine mounts a counteroffensive to grab back its territory. 

Reports also suggest some beaches have been mined by the Russians in the traditional summer season vacation playground. 

It comes as Ukraine issued a chilling warning to Russian tourists flocking to Crimean beaches for the summer.

The Defence of Ukraine shared a tweet earlier today which read: “Big plans this summer? A travel advisory is in effect for certain beaches.

“We warned you last summer to stay away from Crimea.

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“Our seasonal forecast calls for stormy weather”.

The clip showed snapshots of beaches being bombed, tourists sprinting away from plumes of smoke and people crying in their vehicles.

The Kerch Bridge has since been repaired after the bomb blast last year


The Kerch Bridge has since been repaired after the bomb blast last yearCredit: East2West
Fighters of Wagner private mercenary group


Fighters of Wagner private mercenary groupCredit: Reuters
Russia fears a new bomb attack amid concerns it could be staged by Wagner fighters after their mercenary army was axed by Putin following their revolt against his regime


Russia fears a new bomb attack amid concerns it could be staged by Wagner fighters after their mercenary army was axed by Putin following their revolt against his regimeCredit: Getty

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