Saturday, June 29, 2024
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Setup Memos Note-Taking App with MySQL on Docker & S3 Storage

Self-host the open-source, privacy-focused note-taking app Memos using Docker with a MySQL database and integrate with S3 or Cloudflare R2 object storage.

Memos - Twitter Style Note Taking Application
Image is subject to copyright!

What is Memos?

Memos Note Taking App

Memos is an open-source, privacy-first, and lightweight note-taking application service that allows you to easily capture and share your thoughts.

Memos features:

  • Open-source and free forever
  • Self-hosting with Docker in seconds
  • Pure text with Markdown support
  • Customize and share notes effortlessly
  • RESTful API for third-party integration

Self-Hosting Memos with Docker and MySQL Database

You can self-host Memos quickly using Docker Compose with a MySQL database.

Prerequisites: Docker and Docker Compose installed

You have two options to choose MySQL or MariaDB as a Database both are stable versions and MariaDB consumes less memory than MySQL.

Memos with MySQL 8.0

version: "3.0" 


    image: mysql:8.0
      TZ: Asia/Kolkata
      MYSQL_DATABASE: memos-db
      MYSQL_USER: memos
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: memos
      - mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql

    image: neosmemo/memos:stable
    container_name: memos
      MEMOS_DRIVER: mysql
      MEMOS_DSN: memos:memos@tcp(mysql:3306)/memos-db
      - mysql
      - ~/.memos/:/var/opt/memos
      - "5230:5230"


Memos with MySQL Database Docker Compose


Memos with MariaDB 11.0

version: "3.0"
    image: mariadb:11.0
      TZ: Asia/Kolkata
      MYSQL_DATABASE: memos-db
      MYSQL_USER: memos
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: memos
      - mariadb_data:/var/lib/mysql

    image: neosmemo/memos:stable
    container_name: memos
      MEMOS_DRIVER: mysql
      MEMOS_DSN: memos:memos@tcp(mariadb:3306)/memos-db
      - mariadb
      - ~/.memos/:/var/opt/memos
      - "5230:5230"


Memos with MariaDB Database Docker Compose

  1. Create a new file named docker-compose.yml and copy the above content.
  2. This sets up a MariaDB 11.0 database service and the Memos app linked to it.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d to start the services in detached mode.
  4. Memos will be available at http://localhost:5230.

The configurations are:

  • mysql service runs MySQL 8.0 with a database named memos-db.
  • memos service runs the latest Memos images, and links to the mysql/mariadb service.
  • MEMOS_DRIVER=mysql tells Memos to use the MySQL database driver.
  • MEMOS_DSN contains the database connection details.
  • The ~/.memos the directory is mounted for data persistence.

You can customize the MySQL password, database name, and other settings by updating the environment variables.

Kubernetes for Noobs

Kubernetes is an open-source system that helps with deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications.

Configuring S3 Compatible Storage

Memos support integrating with S3-compatible object storage like Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, DigitalOcean Spaces, etc

To use AWS S3/ Cloudflare’s R2 as object storage

Use memos with external object storage
Settings > Storage
  1. Create a S3/Cloudflare R2 bucket
  2. Get the API token with object read/write permissions
  3. In Memos Admin Settings > Storage, create a new storage
  4. Enter details like Name, Endpoint, Region, Access Key, Secret Key, Bucket name and Public URL (For Cloudflare R2 set Region = auto)
  5. Save and select this storage
configure memos with external S3 Object Storage
For Cloudflare R2 set Region = auto

With this setup, you can self-host the privacy-focused Memos note app using Docker Compose with a MySQL database, while integrating scalable S3 or R2 storage for persisting data.

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