Saturday, June 29, 2024
India News

TSRTC employees stage protest after woman conductor ends life

A group of Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) workers staged a demonstration at the Bandlaguda bus depot in response to the suicide of a female conductor.

The deceased, identified as Ganji Srividya (48), took her life reportedly after receiving a suspension letter on October 12. Srividya had been an RTC conductor for 12 years. According to a complaint filed by her son, Shiva, at the LB Nagar police station, the suspension led her into a state of depression. On the same day, she attempted to end her life. She was then taken to Kamineni Hospital, where she passed away on October 16 while undergoing treatment.

In the wake of Srividya’s death, employees of TSRTC gathered to protest, alleging harassment of Srividya and others by senior officials. The protesters voiced their grievances, accusing the department of mistreatment and calling for justice in Srividya’s case. Slogans were also raised against the department. The police have registered a case.

(Roshni, suicide prevention helpline, 8142020033/44)

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