Saturday, June 29, 2024
India News

Veerappan’s aide Jnanaprakash dies in his village

Jnanaprakash, an aide of forest bandit Veerappan, died in his native village Matalli in Chamarajanagar district’s Kollegal taluk late on Friday evening.

He was convicted in the Palar blast case of 1993 that had claimed the life of 22 policemen.

Jnanaprakash, who had been suffering from cancer, had been released from jail in December 2022. He was in his sixties, according to his lawyer P.P. Baburaj.

A special court under TADA Act had convicted Jnanaprakash and three others -Simon, Meesekara Madaiah and Bilavendran – and awarded them life sentence, on September 29, 2001.

When they went in appeal against the ruling, the Supreme court had upheld the TADA Court ruling and also enhanced the punishment to death sentence.

However, the Supreme Court later commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment.

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