Saturday, June 29, 2024
Android 14Easter EggGoogleNewsTech News

Here’s the Android 14 Easter Egg Space Game and How to Find It

One of the first things we look to whenever a new build of Android drops, especially a version that has gone from Developer Preview to Beta, is whether or not there is a new Easter egg to show you. Up until today, Android 14 did not have a new Easter egg, but that has now changed with Android 14 Beta 4.

The Android 14 Easter Egg arrives as some sort of space adventure game that we’ve attempted to figure out. Those attempts are failing, so we’ll turn to you to help us fully realize Google’s experience here. What I can tell you so far is how to access it and that I think I found the sun.

To access the Android 14 Easter Egg:

  1. Head into Settings>About phone
  2. Scroll to Android version and tap on the “14”
  3. On the next screen, rapidly tap on the “14” again until the Easter Egg welcome screen pops up
  4. This screen should be a big Android 14 logo on top of a black screen with stars floating in the background
  5. Once there, long-press with a finger on the Android 14 logo (see above)
  6. The screen, logo, and phone should all vibrate as you hold until it jumps you into the space game
  7. Once in the space game, you simply drag in directions you want to fly
  8. Go explore!

The exploration side of this is where you are going to need to help us. I moved my little spaceship to a position pretty close to <0, 0> and I believe I found the sun. It then used some gravitational force or pull to launch me in a never-ending circle around it, which is pretty fun. You can see that in the clip below.

If you venture a bit out from the sun, there are red circles that could be a part of the solar system with planets attached. I couldn’t find any, but maybe you can. I’m no space man, if that isn’t clear.

Let us know what you find!

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